Thursday, August 23, 2007

nonsuch #339

I thought my air conditioner blew up my electrical system at my house this morning. Thought I was going to have to replace a window unit this morning but didn't. It was not my AC. My neighbor and I think it was from a brief storm that passed through and knocked the power out. It was not as hot as it has been. Cooler this morning but it has warmed up big time since then.

Something that just about made me cry when I read it,

Lost Boys2: The Tribe

Has no one in it from the original 80s original that for a time in college I watched everyday. Rumor has it that the Corey's were so upset that they were not invited for a cameo that the complained on their new show, The Corey's, and the director has now added them or at least one of them. Do we really need a sequel to one of the best vampire movies of my generation? James Carpernter's Vampires with James Woods may just edge it out as the best but it is close in my opinion. And as we said back in the day, "Keiffer Sutherland is the most fuckin awesomest vampire ever."

Lost Boys
Sam Emerson: Look at your reflection in the mirror. You're a creature of the night Michael, just like out of a comic book! You're a vampire Michael! My own brother, a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire. You wait 'till mom finds out, buddy!

Jack Crow: Let me ask you a question. When you were stabbing that vampire in there?
Father Adam Guiteau: Yeah?
Jack Crow: Did you get a little wood?
Father Adam Guiteau: Mahogany.
Jack Crow: Excuse me?
Father Adam Guiteau: Ebony.
Jack Crow: What?
Father Adam Guiteau: Teak.
Jack Crow: Are you possessed by demons?
Father Adam Guiteau: Major Chubby.
Jack Crow: Language, Padre, language!

And do not get me started on Ferris Beuller's Next Day Off(yeah, you read that right)

Cannot people come up with original stuff? At least I know I cannot do it, I have tried and I suck at writing fiction.

Have not wrote about the new Taco Bell/KFC that opened up near where I work. I have ate there lets say a dozen times, been open about a month and I am already tired of it. The teryaki chicken is very good though. And I think KFC mac and cheese is better than bojangles.

Been on a reading kick lately, since I finished Harry Potter 7. Read George Carlin's books, Seinfeld's book, some Lewis Grizzard and Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. The last one was an assignment to read before going to London. Great book. Up next, is his American Gods.

Do not surf the web as much as I used to. Not sure if I am growing bored with it or it is just a phase or what. Would rather read a book.

Still playing lotro. Made 36th and got my war pony last week.

Been thinking about CW my ex a lot lately. It was this time of year we were really hitting our stride in the beginning of our relationship. Them was mighty good times. It makes me sad mow to remember how happy I was at the time. Now I just see myself alone with animals I do not even have yet. And most of my close friends are getting married or have someone they consider longterm relationship material and I am happy for them, really I am. I get lonely, that's all.

NFL pre-season is in week 3. Regular season starts in 2 weeks I think. People are picking the Patriots to win it this year but I am not sold. They play the Panthers this week in pre-season but the game really means little but until I see them play all I will say is I am leary about Randy Moss. The last two teams he was on did nothing. Yes, the Patriots have other good players but will he drag them down?

if anyone has any suggestions for books for me to read leave me a comment.(shameless ploy to get folks to leave comments)


CrazySpanishGirl said...

Ferris Beuller's Next Day Off??? no no, you must be kidding.

Jonathan said...

I wish I was kidding. And from what I have heard, everyone from the original is signed on for this new one.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment...

Gotta go now in search of Laughing Cow Cheese :-)

Jonathan said...
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