Monday, November 28, 2005

Nonesuch #93

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving Day.
I went to my parent's house at Lake Junaluska for the day. I was not feeling too social, so I stayed just one night. Even though it is my parent's house, there are still memories of my ex there, things she gave my parent's for birthdays and Christmas. I had to go back to my house where I have tried to remove all the things that she had brought in to the house.
I still find things from time to time so I guess everything is not removed. Started a bag/box for Goodwill with things I missed when I was packing her stuff. I hope that someone can use the things that she has forgot about.
I know I said that I didn't want this turn into a "pity-me" blog but it is all that I have on my mind and I think it is better to get things out and deal with instead of letting it all build up and fester and grow and grow and then I explode emotionally and have a breakdown which I do not want to go through again. I guess you can say I had one when the breakup first occurred. I think I was in shock at the loss of it all. Not so much what she did, people do not surprise me anymore with what they do, just disappoint me and anger me. I need to get past this anger, this bitterness and move on through some process(es). Whether it is through counseling or Guinness.
Until I do I am stuck in this ugly mindset that effects (or is it affects) everything I do. I don't like it, it is like a heavy residue covering me and I get it on others and that is not fair to them.

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