Tuesday, September 04, 2007

nonesuch #343

When was the last time you logged into myspace? yeah, me too. Facebook is getting that way also. I stay on facebook cause a good friend will be using it has her connection back here after she moves to England at the end of the month.
Have grown so tired of both of those and the so called online social networking scene really. Think it stems back to bad experiences with online dating or maybe I am really getting old and people in general have started to bother me more than they used to. Nothing in particular, but there are things that in the past I would let go but now I do not and most times do not go there anymore. Its getting more and more like that with some friends of mine and that is what bothers me. Either they are becoming the asshats we always said we would not become or it is me that is becoming the asshat I swore I would never be. Or it may be that I need to dewire, unplug for awhile, enjoy other things, go green, read a book, turn on, tune in and drop out, or dare I say, "find myself". How 90s of me and I apologize. How 70s of me.
Reading "On the Road" again. For some reason it hits on so many levels with me, the physical journey itself and Sal's personal more spiritual journey to find where he fits in the world and to prove himself to his friend who ultimately one by one let him down and all alone. And even he knows he is being used and he does not care but he must, or at least I think he must. It triggered Kerouac to write "On the Road" in the first place, and "Dharma Bums" and "The Subterraneans" and others. Something sparked for him somewhere along the line and he went with it.
And maybe that is my problem, no sparks are hitting or they are so weak, I am not getting a charge or it takes so much to get the brain going on things that I have conditioned myself to not even try anymore. Is that getting old? Perhaps. I have heard that you are only as old as you think you are and I always, even when I was much younger, I always felt older than I really am. And in those teen years and before, I wanted to be older. Nowadays, not so much. So maybe the older I get the younger I need to think but will that have me ending up in clothes that I am 20 years too old to be wearing in the first place, driving a red convertible, with a really bad hippie-esque to the shoulder hair in a Member's Only Jacket thinking I am hot shit? I still have a Member's Only jacket, it is only a matter of time before they are back in style. And hey, didn't that guy in the restaurant in the Soprano's, wasn't he wearing a Member's Only Jacket? You know, the one sitting at the bar across from Tony. It could happen.
So I am sure you are asking yourself where is he going with this. Nowhere, nowhere at all.


Julie Brooks Barbour said...

I log on to myspace so I can keep up with friends, fellow writers, and my favorite bands. I don't do facebook and don't even blog anymore. I'd rather save writing for something productive, and my blog hasn't been very productive over the past year. I'm getting more work done in other places and that's what matters most.

You'll find your place-- just don't go looking too hard for it.

Julie Brooks Barbour said...

Something fun for you to read in the meantime from The New Yorker:


Vi said...

I just cant get into facebook, but then, I haven't had the chance to really do so properly!

Jonathan said...

julie - Sedaris is always a hoot. Thanks for the link.

Vi- facebook is better than myspace. When i go onto to myspace i get spam friend's invites for the next few days and all are to porn sites. If I have to rely on myspace to find porn online, something is wrong.

CrazySpanishGirl said...

I just opened a facebook account, and I really don't see the fun of it. It's good to keep up with some old friends living abroad, but that's all.

Jonathan said...

julie - something you said struck me,

"save writing for something productive."

Creating something to show, something that lasts, something that has more meaning, IS.

Maybe I have been looking too hard and for too long. Things do seem to land in my lap, well in the past but it was not from sitting back waiting, well not all the time. I just cannot kick the feeling that something is missing.

Random Musings said...

I LOVE facebook... I never set up a myspace page. Facebook did allow me to re-connect with some old friends, one that we had not spoken in 15 years... so its tops in my book... a bit addicting but living in a different country than your family makes it easy for everyone to stay in touch