Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Nonesuch #58 - Things I am thinking about today

1. Just who is the best American Rock and Roll Band?
The Greatest
Many bands come to my mind:

Grateful Dead
Sonic Youth
Yo La Tengo
Frank Zappa

And I could go on....Not even sure if such a question can be answered. What about Elvis? Where does he belong? He crossed all sections of music areas: rock and roll, gospel, country.

2.Why oh why would "W" quote Osama Bin Ladin in his televised speech last night?
Hear the words of Osama Bin Laden: "This Third World War is raging" in Iraq. "The whole world is watching this war." He says it will end in "victory and glory, or misery and humiliation."
And why am I doing the same? I have no idea on either account.

3. Will I make 50th level this evening on World of Warcraft? Details at 11.

4. "Value of Property"


Julie Brooks Barbour said...

Why are Neil Young and Genesis not added to number one? :)

Jonathan said...

Neil Young is from Canada.

Genesis is from England :)

They dont count :(

Julie Brooks Barbour said...

Doh! on my part. :) I should learn to pay more attention.

I didn't know Neil Young was from Canada. You learn something new everyday, huh?

Jonathan said...

Neil Young was in a band called the Mynah Birds with Rick James. Rick James went awol while in the service during Vietnam, went to Canada and hooked up with Neil Young and others who went on to form Buffalo Springfield once Rick James came back to America and served jail time for desertion and the rest left Canada for California. Small world...