Monday, April 18, 2005

Nonesuch #29

I am going to Chicago next Wednesday for a conference for work. It will be only my 3rd time on a plane. I am still not sure what I think of flying. I do know it is not my favorite thing to do. I was hoping it would be sort of like riding a roller coaster but it wasn't. It was like floating for an overextended amount of time which is not the best feeling in the world. My fiance flew to California 2 weeks ago for a conference. She had not flown since before 9/11. She was quite nervous and worried. She had loved flying and I think she wanted to have that feeling back. Instead she had back experiences at LAX and vows to never flew to that airport again. I get a pit in my stomach every time I think of flying...but I try not to think about it too much.
I like Chicago. I went last year for the same conference. I didn't get out of the hotel much since the conference was almost nonstop from 8am-8pm. I did get and I had one of the best hot dogs I have ever had at a little hot dog place down near Wrigley Field, I think. They have a dude in a tux open the door for you on Saturday nights. Demon Dogs is its name. I am going a day early this year and I plan to head into the city and go to Demon Dogs for a hot dog or 2.


Julie Brooks Barbour said...

I'm with you. Going down to NC was only the second time I'd flown in my lifetime. I don't mind taking off, it's the landing I can't stand. That and any turbulence. You're right-- it's nothing like a rollercoaster!

Jonathan said...

I was in the air for about an hour each way. I don't see that as much time to decide if I like flying or not. Crazy thing, the stewardess on my first flight looked like the one from Airplane! and all I could do was run quotes from that movie through my head over and over, hehe.