Monday, May 02, 2005

Nonesuch #35 - Variations on a Nonesuch

The Flight
3rd time flying was not so bad. I got to the airport about 2 1/2 hours before my flight even arrived at the airport so I had plenty of time to get from the parking lot to the shuttle to the airport get through security, take off my shoes along with my other carry on luggage, get through the terminal, down to the gate sit down, get out the iPod and the book, 'Lamb : The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal' and even read the first quarter of it. The trip went quickly and soon I was in Chicago waiting for the hotel shuttle to take me to the Marriot.

The room had too many mirrors. Everywhere I turn I see mirrors. I don't like mirrors. They remind me of how much weight I have put on since my younger days and that is not a good thing. I know, you think guys dont worry too much with weight and all that. All I know now is that I am slower in doing all things and yes I am out of shape and I dont need these mirrors to remind me. I like the rooms at the Marriot. The view was better last year. I was able to see downtown and all the lights at night. This year I had a great view of the expressway and other highrises in the area. I faced the east and even in the city, the sunrises were amazing.

These guys know how to feed you. From the time the conference started till the afternoon it ended, there was food food food. They provided breakfast lunch and dinner and even though it was deli sandwiches for lunch, danishes and juice for breakfast, the evening meals were great. Thursday, Chicago deep dish pizza buffet, all you could eat plus unlimited drink refills, beer/liquor not included. Friday, the hosts laid out the buffet again but this time it was: chicken or steak tacos, 3 different kinds of ravioli, 3 kinds of stirfry and (wait for it) open bar with beer and wine and I swear I saw some one get a mixed drink. But I stayed with the beer. Sure it was Miller, Miller Lite, Bud and Bud light but it was open bar. I started with Miller Lite, see above, but sometime during the evening, switched to Miller Genuine Draft. I do not drink much anymore but this night was different. I stayed up with the Swedes, Finns and British, we shut the party down. I was back at my room around midnight, still early for the Europeans and British.

Fourth time is a charm
I have figured out why O'Hare airport is so slow, it is the people getting on the plane that takes so long. After 4 or 5 times saying to myself, "Self, ok this no one else is going to board.", Another family of 5 with small children would board. The children were not bad at all on the flight. I imagine they have all flown more than 4 times like I have.

The list of songs I listened to on the flight and trip is very long but here is a short list:

Up the Beach - Jane's Addiction
Alex Chilton - The Replacements
Strange Currencies - R.E.M
Dozin' At The Knick - Grateful Dead
Reba - Phish
Live At Red Rocks 8.15.95 - Dave Matthews Band
#41 - Dave Matthews Band
(see more on the side)

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