Stole this from Real Kidd who stole it from someone who stole it from someone and so on and so on...I feel guilty that I stopped doing t-shirt tuesday so I felt I had to make up for that by doing this.
[1] What is your middle name? charles
[2] What color is your mailbox? green
[3] Are you available? huh?
[4] Have you ever hit a deer? no. but one has jumped over the front of our car when we went to visit Mammoth Cave in Kentucky.
[5] Do you have to drive over a bridge to get home? no
[6] Do you get the paper delivered to your house in the morning? no
[7] Who checks the mail in your house? me
[8] Do you have a small driveway? yes
[9] Do you know anyone with the same ringtone as you? dont use a ringtone, keep it on vibrate since I work in a library. Crazy thing is you can still hear it as it vibrates.
[10] What do you do first in the morning? turn on the tv
[11] What brand is your printer? canon
[12] Do you enjoy fighting with people? no
[13] Is your hair naturally straight or curly? straight
[14] Who was your kindergarten teacher? Mrs. Bowens.
[16] Are you taller than your mother? yes
[17] Do you have a favorite word? not sure
[18] Are you God? sure
[19] What do you do to get over a broken heart? drink
[20] Do you have a deep dark secret? yes
[22] Do you enjoy writing in colored pens? no
[23] Does anything hurt on your body right now? yes, too many to name
[24] Do you often cry during a movie? no
[25] Do you hate your life? no
[26] Do you get mad easily? no
[27] Where's 27? trick question?
[28] What is your biggest pet peeve? People not taking responsibility for their actions.
[29] What is your away message? im not here
[30] Do any of your friends have kids? yes
[32] Who should pay on the first date? me
[33] How many years older than you are you willing to date? no more than 5 years.
[34] Do you have any friends? a few
[35] Do you have any mean friends? no. the ones that were mean to me in the past are not my friends anymore
[36] What is the ugliest color in your opinion? dayglo anything
[37] Have you ever liked someone who all your friends couldn't stand? yes, dated her 4 years
[38] Have you ever felt like driving off a cliff? no
[40] Do you itch your ears? not lately
[42] What brand are the pant/jeans you're wearing right now? khakis
[43] How tall are you? 5'7"
[44] What is the closest green object? my shirt
[45] What is on your feet? rockports
[46] Do you like watermelon? no. yes I am from the south.
[48] Do you want to have kids? not sure
[49] What is the brightest color you're wearing? green
[50] Who is the friend you have that you would never have expected to have gotten to know? not sure
[52] What's your mothers middle name? Arlethia
[53] Stupidest movie you ever saw? so many, so many
[55] Do you like your dad? yes
[56] Do you have any TV shows on DVD? yes, battlestar galactica, veronica mars
[57] Are you wearing makeup? um no
[58] Do you have a tattoo? no
[61] Do you know how to draw? sort of
[63] Who is your hero? We can be heroes, just for one day
[64] Who did you last IM? Sally
[65] Do you work a lot of hours? sort of
[66] What do you do when you are stressed out? drink, play DDO
[67] Who was the last person to call you? a professor
[68] Is there anything you regret? I regret that I have no regrets
[69] Do you know where your family name originated from? yes, scotch-irish.
[70] Is there an animal that creeps you out? no
[71] What was the last thing you did for fun? played DDO
[72] Last time you cried? sometime this year.