Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nonesuch #213 WOXY returns ... today

From popcandy

WOXY returns ... today

The late, great Internet-only radio station known as WOXY.com returns to the airwaves today at 10:10 a.m. ET, so grab your headphones. All seemed lost last month when the operation ran out of money, but swift help arrived from folks at

I posted last month the top 100 songs from their Modern Rock 500 as a tribute to this great station and now it is back. Big fuckin thanks to lala.com's entrepreneur Bill Nguyen who wanted keep the woxy mojo going.

Also popcandy does a podcast and this week it is all Battlestar Galactica, the amazing show on Sc-Fi network. Saw the 3rd season premiere last Friday and it was just fantastic. I don't have cable so how I will be keeping up I have no clue. The DVD release cannot come too soon. Hmm, iTunes sells the episodes a few days after it is shown on sc-fi, that may be the way I get my fix.


Chad Barbour said...

Trying this again: did the first one wrong.

Get a BitTorrent client (like Azureus: http://azureus.sourceforge.net/) and go here: http://tvrss.net/shows/

Jonathan said...

oh snap. Very cool. Will definitely look into this. Thanks!

Kelli said...

I will have to check it out now!

Mummy said...

yay!! im so plsd for u, i know it mattered a lot, looks like for lots of folk too. i assume my ancient dialup wouldnt help me woxy buzz at all?