Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Nonesuch #267

Dad is still in the hospital. They want to be sure he has his strength back, eating solid food etc. His doctor said that one of the ER doctors had the same thing and was out of work for about a week, so they think it may take 2-3 weeks for my Dad to fully recover.

Big night in basketball, Duke - UNC game, 1st of two games, one at each home court and if we dare to dream, a possible 3rd in the ACC tournament come March. I cannot think of a bigger rivalry in any sport, not just college basketball in the US. I am not sure about the world so I will not say that.

Anne is not feeling well. Go give her a hello and look at pictures of her dog Rickey getting a bath.

I hope my Dad is watching the game.


Mummy said...

Hope ur Dad feels better soon and got to see the game!

Kelli said...

Sprry about your dad jonathan..glad he is doing better. Thanks for your comments.