Monday, March 20, 2006

Nonesuch #122

My weekend - A Post

This is what I did this past weekend. I guess this is a list post but I will not be using numbers.

I got some chinese food, General Tsao's Chicken and an eggroll

Watched March Madness - Go Duke

Played almost too much Dungeons and Dragons Online Saturday 12+hrs(more on that later)

Ate nothing but hotdogs and peanut butter sandwiches and BBQ potato chips on Saturday

Went to Lowe's and bought a new lawnmower, a new flapper for the toilet, some lawnmower oil, some strong industrial link locks, Drano gel

Found out that Diet Sun Drop is not that bad. If only it was make with Splenda

Did a load of laundry

Mowed about 1/4 of my yard. Need to pick up sticks before I can finish

Went to CVS to get new batteries for my wireless mouse and some Cadbury Creme eggs and a bottle of gatorade.

Did too much thinking, something I tend to do when I am alone. My brain will wander across all my years, people I know and knew, romances and the girls involved, wonder where they are, how they are doing, why the relationship(s) ended, why they did what they did and why I let them get away with it. Can a person be too nice? I often wish that I was more of an asshole, one of the bad boy types. My exes seem to gravitate towards them, sometimes before we breakup. My memory for some things is so vivid, I hate that. It used to be handy for school and practicing for playing Trivial Pursuit and telling folks I was going to be on Jeopardy.

Got my hawesome t-shirt from Nickerblog Thanks Shane> Need to drop him an email to let him know it got here. Hawesome, it is sweeping the nation.

Found an unfinished bag of jelly beans that I bought earlier this year. They were still good. It has mostly white and black ones left in it. I am saving those for later.

Thanks to Whitney over at Pop Candy I have more newly discovered bands to add to my iPod including:

Art Brut
What Made Milwaukee Famous
The Boy Least Likely To

Really like "The Boy Least Likely To". Very catchy pure pop stuff. One day I will go to SXSW

And I told someone I did nothing this weekend

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