Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Nonesuch #145 Borrowed from a borrower

First saw this on Anne's blog and then Dancing Fairy did it as well. I have a post in mind that I am working on about what I did Monday night, but the thought process is not working at the moment. Let me just say, it involves live music.

I AM: waiting for the end of semester get-together to begin.
I WANT: to go home and nap and eat for the rest of the day.
I WISH: that I had 3 more wishes.
I HATE: that I am alone and do not have any emotional energy to look for a girlfriend.
I MISS: all weekend D&D sessions.
I FEAR: that I will die a lonely death knowing no one ever truly loved me.
I HEAR: NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me the podcast.
I WONDER: why if I am so cool, why am I still single?
I REGRET: that when I was younger I didn't stand up for myself more and let people walk over me.
I AM NOT: a crook.
I DANCE: almost never.
I SING: when I mow the lawn. (No one can hear me)
I CRY: when I think of her and what she did.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: pessimistic
I MAKE: good desserts, at least I have been told
I WRITE: mostly on this blog. Have little time for anymore.
I CONFUSE: myself all the time cause I think too much on many situations.
I NEED: a Guinness
I SHOULD: clean and re-organizing my house.
I START: projects late.
I FINISH: projects early.

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