Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Nonesuch #153

Do not really have anything to say, just felt like I should post something and just hoping that some sort of inspiration will happen as I type.

Had an ok weekend, Got up early and mowed my lawn in near 80 degree temps at 8am. I was worn out by the time I finished. Went and saw a good friend of mine in Durham who mowed her lawn during the heat of the day. I have no idea how she managed that, well she was worn out and sore the rest of the weekend.

We attempted to see The DaVinci Code Saturday night but the entire theater was having problems so after about an hour of sitting there with no word(we did have the lowest guy on the movie theater totem pole come and tell us that the movie would be starting in "3 min or less" and "momentarily", do those even count?) someone in our row went and came back and said the movie was cancelled and we could get a refund or special passes. We took the special passes and returned Monday to see the film. It was good, better than 95% of the drivel that comes out these day, but not great. If you have read the book, wait for it to come out on DVD and rent it. I spent most of the film waiting for something, not sure what, that never came. Or maybe it did but I missed it.

I used to live in Durham. In fact it will be 30 years ago come December that we moved there. I spent some time on Sunday driving around the city to old stomping grounds. I took some pictures of a park/playground that was behind my house that I played at almost everyday when I lived there from 1976-1983. I met my best friend during those years, Joey, at that park. We would ride bikes, sled in the snow, play in the creek, have pinecone wars(20+ people on a team at times) and so much more.
Pictures of the park The first 20 pictures.

Sunday night we met some of my friends( you know, I should have a nickname for her, I choose Sally, will give that story later) for dinner at the K&W in Chapel Hill. It was there when I was around 9 or so, I became stuck in a high chair, well for being too big to sit in one to begin with. I think other children were sitting in them and I wanted to be like them. Yeah, go figure. This time around, the high chairs were designed differently so they posed no problems. After dinner, we planted two bushes in what felt like 90+ degree temps even at 8:30pm or so.

Monday morning I put together Sally's new grill(which she used last night) for her. It didn't take long.

That was my weekend.

Some things on my mind:

I agree with Still Point, can someone with the power get rid of the term Brangelina. In related news, Shiloh means "one who is to be sent" and often refers to the Messiah. End times anyone?

Batgirl is a lesbian, oh the horror. People are up in arms about this. I guess with all the rest of the problems of the world solved we can worry about the sexual preference of a fictional character. And gee, what nerd's/geek's wet dream wouldn't be a girl-on-girl encounter involving Batgirl on the pages of a comic book, I'm sorry graphic novel.

Buying a new air conditioner. Got to do it before it gets really hot for an extended period of time.

Got a laptop computer just for D&D and maybe NERO. Not sure if I ever will go back to NERO but I have the laptop ready if I do.

Really in summer mode, not really want to be working. Would love a vacation not sure when that will happen if at all. It's just the way it goes I guess. It will come I am sure.

Hmm, guess I had more to say than I thought I did.

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