Friday, May 05, 2006

Nonesuch #147

Another one from Dancing Fairy. Have a I mentioned she find's the coolest stuff on the internets?

"Put your music player on shuffle. Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question. Post on your blog. Comment back if you post it on your site. No comment regarding whatever songs that might come up. Stolen from LOTS of bloggers." (I say comment as much as you like on whatever songs come up- JaG)

Where is your office located?
Where is my mind? - The Pixies

What happens when you drink too much?
Break Even - Guided By Voices

What are your feelings about President Bush?
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley and Dear Mr Fantasy - Grateful Dead

What's your latest blog obsession?
Seer - The Brian Jonestown Massacre

How do you feel about your separation?
Hell in a Bucket - Grateful dead (and it was hell, believe me, see other posts)

Name a topical song?
From Black to Blue - Yo La Tengo

Give me the obligatory cleavage quote:
Cry Freedom - Dave Matthews Band ( I think its funny)

Fantasy Song #1:
Coke and Wet - Spank Rock

Fantasy Song #2:
When I paint my masterpeice - Grateful Dead

Describe your sex life:
Typical Situation - Dave Matthews Band


Kelly said...

You say the sweetest things!

Kelli said...

You couldnt have picked better songs! How funny about the cleavage ones!

Jonathan said...

Dancinfairy: Its true, you come across some of the coolest meme's that I have seen.

anne: Yeah, cry freedom for the cleavage is probably the best as is Typical situation for my sex life, not much going on there :)