Friday, January 26, 2007

Nonesuch #258

Some bastards stole my lawnmower when I was at work this evening(Thursday),cut the chain in two and took it right off the porch. I didnt notice when I came home cause I didnt turn on the light when I went to work in the afternoon. I realized my pipes had frozen and turned on my porch light to see the temperature and that is when I noticed the lawnmower was gone. Called the police around 11:15. They got here 20 min ago, so over a two hour wait. He did apologize and explained it was a crazy night and he is the only one on duty in a 50 mile area. Didnt surprise me but it would be nice to have at least one more deputy on duty for the county size I live in. Maybe I will write the editor of the local paper, I dont know what that will accomplish other than me venting about the asshats that stole my lawnmower. And probably some asshat response that I needed to keep my property locked up better etc etc. I rent. I have limited say in what I can do to the house and the backyard where a shed would be perfect to lock up and store away my gardening tools, which they did not take, and a new lawnmower. I had to look it up online for a good description and saw it was $60 cheaper than when I bought it last year. So, I guess that is sort of positive. Now, to see if my pipes unfreeze when it heats up tomorrow. Its supposed to be cold all weekend so I may go see a friend or even get a hotel room. I dont know, I suddenly feel the urge to move more than ever now.

** Update **
My pipes did not freeze. My well pump is fried and will be replaced tomorrow morning. My lawnmower was less than a year old so that is a major pain to replace now BUT I did get permission from the owner of the house that I can build a lean-to/shed.

** Update to the Update **
The new pump is installed and I have water. There were some electrical problems that have been fixed for now but need more work done but all is working now. Time to get a shower and go shopping for a lawnmower.


Virginia Belle said...

i'm sorry to hear this, jonathan. i hope they can find the person who took it. good luck!

Jonathan said...

Thanks for the good luck. I need it after the past 24 hours. Now, my well pump looks to be fried so I may not have water until next week.
There are no leads on who took the mower and it is a longshot that they will find the person who did it but you never know.

~ Amanda X&O said...

Two rounds of bad luck... that sucks. Sorry dude.

Kelli said...

Time to buy Jonathan..time to buy!

I cant believe the nerve of some people. I mean I can..but I cant.

Hope you stay warm!

Random Musings said...

What kinda jerkoff steals someones lawnmower

Jonathan said...

yeah, it makes no sense to me and just makes me lose faith in people just that much more.

Mummy said...

and its winter , who needs to mow lawns in the winter ... stupid thief.

Jonathan said...

The sheriff deputy said I may want to look around come spring to see if anyone is using it. But then what? I am not going to confront them about a stupid mower, you just don't know what folks will do these days.