Monday, June 04, 2007

nonesuch #317 yoohoo and a zero bar

Almost as good as an RC and a moonpie.

A friend from high school used to have a cupboard full of both of these and we always had it as a snack when at his house. His mother never let us go hungry even when we were not hungry to begin with.

And if you do not already go to Virginia Belle's blog, she has been doing posts on all things Southern, from the food, to the dialects to football and religion and everything in between.

*updated to add links for yoohoo and zero bar


Vi said...

Okay, I gather yoohoo is chocolate milk, but what's a zero bar? I doubt it stands for zero % fat!

Jonathan said...

Should have made links for the yoohoo and zero bar. Zero is a combination of caramel, peanut and almond nougat covered in delicious white fudge. There just isn't another candy bar out there quite like it. Will update with links.

~ Amanda X&O said...

Oh YooHoo! Almost as good as Chocolate Soldiers. I could drink 5 of those a day as a kid. Of course, I wouldn't sit still for the next 12 hours, but MAN were they good!

Emi said...

Yoo-hoo! What I remember most of these are the simple and effective....Yoo-hoo!

But I have to say I'm more into Nesquik. It's thicker and probably way worse for you thatn Yoo-hoo.

Mummy said...

fanta makes me go "Yoo Hoo!" does that count?

Jonathan said...

Amanda - I have not seen Chocolate Soldiers in years. They just do not have them around here anymore.

Pipa - I can still here that voice from the commercials. I wonder if any of them have been posted to youtube.

Joie - In this case, yes, it does count!