Sunday, June 10, 2007

nonesuch #318

It is official. I will be visiting England in December of this year. I will be there for Christmas and New Year's and possibly another celebration that I cannot talk about right now. Right now my exact plans are not set in stone but at some time during my trip I will see London, Coventry, Manchester, Edinburgh(maybe) and Blah. Those are the set things but I hope to see Stonehenge, Liverpool, Nottingham and many sites in London. And oh yeah, pubs. I have been told that December is very wet and cold in England but I am excited about this trip and getting to spend time with my friends.

I am exhausted. I did spring cleaning this weekend. Did work in every room, cleaning and organizing. It really needed it but to be honest I am not sure how long it will last. It is just me and bottom line I really do not care. But I will say it is nice not to have to make a path through the living room to get to the bathroom. I also mowed my lawn and you all know what that means, I bought a new lawnmower. It is almost like the one I had stolen but with improvements and now it has a place to keep it locked up. It starts on the first pull and mows so even. I did some weed-eating to round the yard out but did not get to the ditches. That will be next weekend. I have two ditches that every time it rains, the leaves gather at the openings so if too many come down the drain, it gets clogged up and can flood my yard and the road in front of me.

During breaks I played LOTRO. I did mostly Traits which are special skills that you get for doing your basic skills over time. For instance, once I kill 120 spiders in the Shire, I gain Hobbit Strength which gives me +20 to my Strength ability. Hobbits started with 2 0r 3 Strength so this helps my Hobbit Hunter extremely. I also worked on my Craft skills so both my main character and my main alt gained their next Craft level and access to Superior worktables so I can make even better items.

Speaking of, yesterday I received the World of Warcraft expansion pack 10 day trial edition in the mail. I have no idea why I got it, I did not order it. I am guessing that Blizzard may be getting desperate and are sending these packs out to former players to try to get them back to play WoW. I will say it is tempting but do not see it happening. And when I was cleaning up, I found my WoW installation disks.

And lastly, you ever been wanting to rest so bad since you have been going nonstop all day but your body is so used to going going going you cannot settle down? And I have enough problems sleeping to begin with.

And go see Anne. She had surgery last week and is at her Father's house resting so will not be able to respond immediately but our friend Joie says she is doing good and will be back to the Land of Blogs soon.


CrazySpanishGirl said...

bravo for the trip!! I've only visited London and Stonhenge from your list, and man, you have to go to Stonhenge. I recommend you to take the tour offered at Salisbury train station. They take you to Stonhenge on a two deck bus and then you can skip the ticket line, and you also have a local tour guide. Send me an e-mail if you wish (you'll find it in my profile) and we can talk a bit more about it.

Mummy said...

I heard about the visit to Vi this weekend!! How cool. I told her how you were my first ever commenter, so she will treat you right! ;-) And how funny, CSG is coming to visit me!! We are all so cool!!!!!!!!!!

You will have to have scampi. and crispy aromatic duck. and marks and spencers chip dip (oh, and underwear!) im SOOO jealous.
oo, and go see phantom of the opera at the theatre, hilarious.

Vi said...

Well, you know I'll be giving you the tour of some pubs, Jonathan!

Jonathan said...

CSG - will be sending an email soon. I tried to make it to Spain this time around but I just cannot afford it this trip. I may have a chance to go to England/France next summer so we shall see.

joie - I was your first commenter? I thought Anne was. Cool either way. I am excited for my visit. I have so much I want to see and do and I know there is no way to do it all. So, I am planning around the big things that I know I will do.

vi - Cannot wait to see the pubs of Blah. I have this image in my mind of what they are like but I am sure they are much more grand than anything I can think of. hehe

GERBEN said...

YAY! You must take lots of pics and share them when you get back!!!

Random Musings said...

Wow you'll have to take lots of pictures

Jonathan said...

kidd and random - I have a new digital camera that with a SD card can hold 2000 images on a medium setting so I will have many many photos to share.