Thursday, June 28, 2007

nonesuch #325 insert clever post title here

There really isn't much going on with me other than work and coming home and trying to stay cool. Been in the 90s for about a week now and we have had storms almost every night this week. Some flooding down the road from me but not so much at my house. And not like out in Texas and Oklahoma. Hope my friends out there are safe.

Going to my parent's house this weekend for their 40th wedding anniversary. Not much is planned. I drove up to the church they were married in last weekend. Took some pictures and have a frame to put the best one and give them. And will take a bottle of champagne. They are not big on the parties but there will be some of their close friends there so that will be nice.

Semi-stressing about my trip later this year to England, mostly do/will I have enough for the trip. Food and lodging will be the big amounts with pints at the pub coming third. I do not want to get over there and run out of funds and not be able to go places and see things and souvenirs etc. I am sure there are many things I can do on low funds but do not want to end up in that situation. Of course, this is just my worrisomemness coming out based on things that I really have no control over right now. I mean, it is 6 months away. I haven't really begun to stress about the flying part but that will come. I do have plans to see the Lord of the Rings Musical in London. They have a special, for £21 you get a meal, entrance to the show and a cocktail. You cannot beat that. Here
is the link in case anyone is interested. The only problem I see happening is that the show may close. It has not been getting the best of reviews but I understand tickets are on sale until March 2008. If the show closes, thats just 5 more pints I can purchase.

I cannot remember if I mentioned that I cleaned my house. I think I did but anyway, it is not staying clean. I have started to let clutter build up once again around the area where I watch TV and eat. Just papers and such nothing too bad like old food. I meant to take pictures but never did. Oh well.


Vi said...

Don't know how you are working out your pint prices, but for £21, you'll get at least 7 pints!

Jonathan said...

Awesome! I was told that it was about
£4 a pint, but it really is £3? This really helps in my calculations hehe. I can taste the beer already.

Vi said...

Yep, between £2.50 - £3, in my area anyways. May be a little more expensive in London.