Thursday, July 05, 2007

The 5th

Wasted away again in Margaritaville
Searching for my lost shaker of salt
Some people claim that there's a woman to blame
But I know it's my own damn fault
Yes and some people claim that there's a woman to blame
And I know it's my own damn fault

more to come...

No, its not my fault I really couldn't change Jimmy's lyrics.
Today would have been 6 years together if CW hadn't fucked a sailor. I wasn't going to even bring it up this year but I just cannot get it out of my head. Nothing to burn this year but I still keep finding things of hers when I clean. Just little stuff now nothing that means much of anything well at least to me. More than likely the time away from her and from the breakup that has reduced the anger but I am one who is slow to forget.

I spent the weekend with my parents who celebrated their 40th anniversary on July 1st. I gave them a couple of framed photographs. One of them was of the church they were married in. The other was of a sky shot that I thought was cool. They liked both. But I started to get the when will you get married speeches and not just from them but from their friends as well.

"Was I going to be a bachelor for the rest of my life? When will I meet a nice girl? Why don't you go to church to meet a nice girl? Why wouldn't a nice girl like you, you are such a nice guy." My mother even mentioned that I wasn't even trying hard.

And I answered them all the same.

"After the way the last one ended I really didn't have a desire to put myself out there again, at least for now. If I did meet someone, that would be good but if not, I just did not worry about that much anymore."

I do not think my parents realize I am serious.


Vi said...

Ah, mate, we aren't all that bad!!!

You keep saying to me, and others, that not all men are aresholes and hurt you like others had, and it's the same for us women!!!!

One day ONE day, we'll meet the right ones for us.


Jonathan said...

I know you all aren't that bad. Most women are nowhere near what CW was. She was a liar, a cheater and blamed everyone else for the problems she caused herself.

There are many great women out there: you, Joie, Anne, CSG, Sally and dragonflysky and so on.

And yes, one day we will find the right ones for us. I am just not worried about it as much as I was in the past.

Julie Brooks Barbour said...

No one's parents ever take them seriously. Believe me. I'm a writer, the mother of one child, the owner of four pets. Nothing I do or have ever done has been part of the status quo, and most people don't accept that, especially most people's parents. Like mine.

But I like my life just fine.

Jonathan said...

Julie - You should have seen the women asking me these questions. They were looking at me like there was something wrong with me since I am not married or dating let alone have no kids. I know my parents, especially my mother, wants grandchildren but there is not much I can do about that right now. I do get lonely from time to time but I just do not see myself finding someone at this time. Cannot say never but...oh well.

Kelli said...

Sorry Jonathan..I really am. CW sucks. I am with you though..right now..I would rather be single so awhile. (remind of that later)

Kelli said... said I was a grea woman. Thanks J :)

Jonathan said...

Anne - you are welcome. I just call them like I see them :)