Tuesday, July 17, 2007

nonesuch #328 what an incredible smell you have discovered

So much not going on, I am beginning to bore myself with being bored. It really is the same things everyday that if I shared them you may fall asleep. So, I had to go with a star wars quote in my title to get your attention before lulling everyone to sleep.

I went to see my D&D friends this past weekend. Ok, that is something different. It was good to see them as we had not got together for almost nine months. The game was good, I think I challenge them enough. They are getting high in level and it makes it harder to keep them on their toes. It just suddenly hit them that through their adventures they have angered at least 2 very old dragons and one of the dragons has already sent minions to take care of the group. But the group was able to survive. We watched some movies as well: Slither, a japanese kung fu movie, The Animal, School for Scoundrels and Starship Troopers.
Slither - Skip it. I wish I had. It had Nathan Fillion from Firefly and Buffy so I was like yes, anything with him. It was horror/disgusting. I could not finish my pizza and had to stop watching about halfway through. Will not go into details. The Animal starring Rob Schneider was ok, below stupid and only had a few laughs. School for Scoundrels starred Billy Bob Thornton and John Heder(Napoleon Dynamite) and was better than most movies but was only interesting enough to keep me from falling asleep. It had an Anger Management feel to it. Starship Troopers is just classic Sci-Fi.

They all went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix before I got there. Most of them had seen Transformers as well.

Still have the summer allergies. On some strong meds but they make me sleepy so dragging through the day. And it being so hot, it does not help at all. Another hot one today and very humid with showers but it will get cooler after today.

A co-worker of mine just got back from England and showed us pictures yesterday. He had gone to a CS Lewis retreat held at Lewis' old house that has been renovated to the way it was in 1942. He spent time at Oxford and Camebridge and stayed about a week. Now I am even more excited for my trip on December, adding more places to go but they are all in the same area so will not add much out of the way to the itinerary.

Coolest thing I have seen today: Found by way of PopCandy, a clip on YouTube from the new Bob Dylan movie coming in September. In this clip, Bob Dylan is played by Cate Blanchett where he meets Alan Ginsburg played by David Cross.

I'm Not There clip


Vi said...

Hey, think of the calories you saved by not eating the rest of the pizza! ;)

CrazySpanishGirl said...

well, I guess there are things going on after all. I ended up boring myself of boredom, so started doing things. One of those things gave me the chance to go to NZ. I was lucky, but staying home saying I was bored wouldn't have helped.

Jonathan said...

Vi- true, very true. But the pizza was so good, I did have some leftover for breakfast though.

CSG - Not so much bored as I feel I am doing things that would bore others when I tell what I do to others, if that makes any sense. I am all rambly from the allergy meds.