Monday, July 23, 2007

nonesuch #330

I spent my weekend playing lord of the rings online, planning my trip to England(I have a preliminary subject to change itinerary that I am working on that seems to be shaping up quite nicely) and avoiding any and all Harry Potter rumors on TV, online and from friends who have already finished the book, some in 24 hours give or take. I am still reading book six where things are getting really interesting to say the least. It has been so long since I read book 5 that I am having a hard time remembering what happened when and to whom, well except the big things. I have also heard what happens in book 6 to whom and by whom but I want to see for myself. I also ordered some things for my trip; convertible suitcase/backpack(carry on size), travel towel set, neck wallet and packing cubes. I did some banking on Saturday to make sure I have enough for the trip. I feel much better now on that front. Since I will be traveling near the holidays, I want to get the people I will see something. Does anyone have any suggestions that can be easy to take with me or would it be easier to wait till I got over there pick things up?

My friend Sally's birthday is next Sunday. She is having a get together at Maggiano's near Durham next Saturday. So far, she, I, KR(he was at last year's event at Cheesecake Factory) and the guy she has been seeing for a month or so now, I will call WW. I told her if it was just her, WW and myself she needed to find me a date but she only laughed. Anyway, Sally is worried not many people will show. Last year there were 5 of us, and probably will be the same this year. Next Tuesday we are going to see Ben Folds and John Mayer in concert. For those regular readers you all already know I am a long time fan of Ben Folds. This will 4th or 5th time I have seen him but first time as a solo act, all times before were with Ben Folds Five. I think John Mayer may have opened up for Neil Young one time when I went to see him. I think it will be a good show. We have pretty good seats, not too far back but where we will see them there is not a really bad seat in the place. So, good music and cold beer are in store.


Vi said...

I've just bought number 7, but I'm not going to bleeding well mention it in my blog!!!! Dont like people ruining suprises!

Jonathan said...

You didn't get any ink on the book? Just kidding. When I was a big nerd and carried a pen in my shirt pocket, I would leaks all the time until I got a pocket protector. But that is another story.
Like I said, 6 is so good, I had to make myself stop reading and go to sleep last night but all I could do was think all the different things that could happen.