Friday, April 20, 2007

Nonesuch #296 Knowing me, knowing you. Its the best I can do

Now get that song out of your head.

I have been tagged by Virgina Belle to do the following meme. I am to give a few goals that I have set for myself and then tag some others to do the same. I am not going to tag others, if you would like to do this as well, great. If not, thats cool. I am not the boss of you.

1) Own my own house - I am sure I have mentioned this before but this is as good a time as any to repeat it. A moderate sized house, perhaps 8 rooms tops, maybe smaller depending on what I find and like. Would like some land, like an acre or so I can have enough area for the animals I would like to keep. Nothing major, a few cats, a few dogs and a few miniature goats.

2) See the United States - lots of my friends want to see Europe, well I do too but I also want to see Mt Rushmore, Grand Canyon, the Sierra Nevadas, The largest ball of twine in the world, the Toilet Museum, etc etc. All of these places are in the US. I want to drive as much of Route 66 as is left I want to see the City Lights bookstore in San Francisco. I want to go to Cleveland and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

3) Become the best I can be in my chosen field

4) To be happy

I am not a large goal oriented person so that's it. I know it doesn't seem like much but I have accomplished most of my goals I set for myself back in the 80s and 90s when the family and guidance counselors were down my throat wanting to know what I was going to do. Even after college, I was at a loss. But, I went to grad school, found a great job which I enjoy and I have loved and been loved. And I have lost as well. As John Lennon said and I have quoted many times here and other places:

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."


Random Musings said...

great meme.. I am in the middle of one right now too

CrazySpanishGirl said...

great blog title! congratulations.

We wanted to do route 66 in our honeymoon, but it was too expensive for us.

Jonathan said...

I forgot to mention that I want to do a tour of hot dog stand around the States.

Vi said...

Ooooohh, I'm up for the hot dog stand trip jonathon! I only just found out what a corn dog was on the weekend!

Jonathan said...

Corn dogs are great. The best ones to get are the ones from county fair in the fall, fresh out of the deep fryer. Sooo good and with an ice cold beer, just about nothing better.