Friday, March 16, 2007

Nonesuch #278

In honor of St Patrick's day, I give you the Random Beer Name Generator

My random beer name is:

Achin' Winston Churchill Bière de Garde


Random Musings said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TODAY, serious without your comment I would have not known about my little whoops...yeah I had a blond moment.
Thanks for the warning it would have been there all day because I can not access my blog at work.
Oh and please don't stalk
Just kidding, but if you feel like sending me
Thanks Jonathan

Jonathan said...

Glad I could help out. When I first saw the post, it didnt register what was there at first and then bam and I remembered you saying you were posting from work email and then I knew what had happened. And dont worry, I am on the other side of the country hehe.