Friday, March 30, 2007

Nonesuch #284 Strange dream


Last night I dreamed that Wil Wheaton, Eric Stoltz and myself had formed a band. We were meeting at the house I lived in in Durham when I was growing up. We were discussing details
and how we had never been able to meet in person and Eric said that him and Wil had no excuse to see each other cause they lived down the road from each other and Wil said good point. We hadnt even announced any tour dates or album release and the media/internets had said we would be a sensation since we all had musical background and Eric spoke up and said, remember I don't and we all laughed. So, we had a function at a school in Australia and we had to sneak my friend Sally and her dog Iki in the truck and then on the plane and hide them in an attic room but Iki got out while Sally was sleeping so Eric, Wil and I chased him around the house we were in and he kept getting away and then we found him reading in some side room/den next to a knocked over Elvis lamp.

< /dream >

On Wednesday I went to check on my prescription at the pharmacy. I get there and they have no record that I had turned in a new prescription written by my doctor last month when I picked up my last refill on the previous prescription. Turns out, they had lost it. So, they said they would fax/call my doctor and see if he would reply. Now, I have been going to the same pharmacy for almost 10 years for this medicine and the tone I was getting from them is that I was trying to pull something over on them. So, I leave the pharmacy and call my doctor. I explained what happened as best as I knew and they said they would take care of it. I go yesterday and it had been faxed but no reply. I asked them should I call today and they said yes. So, around 10 or so. I called. Still no word so I told them I would hold on the line till they had heard from the doctor that I could get my prescription filled. 45 minutes later, they have contact and I will be picking up my prescription this afternoon. So annoying. I am really thinking of changing pharmacies and even doctors.

After going to through all that on Wednesday I went to the grocery to pick up a few items. I got an urge and picked up a Zero bar and a bottle Yoohoo. It was so good and brought back memories of sitting around the table at my friend K-dawwg's house while his Mother tried to find something for all of us to eat. She would ask if we wanted a sandwich or lasagna. She could make it right now. Good memories, I tell ya. Good times.

No plans whatsoever for the weekend. Well, Spring Cleaning leftover from last year will be attempted. Not exciting but I guess it is plans. Maybe have a guinness to relax with in the evening while watching COPS and then some British comedy if PBS is still not doing its fundraiser for the Spring. I am missing "Keeping Up Appearances" and "Are You Being Served?" even though I have seen all of the episodes 2 or 3 times in some cases.

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