Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nonesuch #273 Absolutely nothing, say it again

Absolutely nothing has been going on, well except for work, playing lotro(lord of the rings online) and sleeping and eating. I wish I had some exciting news but I don't. I was sick most of this week been out of work since Monday but feeling better. It was that nasty cold thingy that has been going around where I work. I am the 3rd person in my building to have it. It just threw me for a loop, Tuesday is a blur, I thought yesterday was all day was Tuesday. Daytime TV just gets worse but that may have just been the fever and the meds affecting me.

I did try new Gatorade Rain Cherry flavor this morning. It is good. I may get another as soon as my taste comes back to me and see if I still like it.

A co-worker suggested I get cable with my wacky sleep patterns. If I got cable, I would never sleep. I am sure if I flipped enough I could find COPS on 24 hrs a day. I wouldnt know what to do then. COPS used to lull me to sleep now I recognize the episode, like a favorite song you know all the words to. I go, oh yeah, this is the one where the cop know the crack whore but she denies that she is either smoking or whoring but she ends up being arrested cause she drops her crackpipe breaking her probation.

And now for these important messages:
All work and no play makes Jonny a dull boy.

Sometimes I think I want to write about my past relationships other than with CW but I dont really think it would really be worth it. I think it would not do me any good. But another side of me wants to look back and know my mistakes so I can be aware for the future, but what future. I guess since I do not see any relationship happening shy should I want to improve for the future. VB wrote a comment on here sometime back:

"don't worry about trying to impress anyone. when you like a girl, it shows. if you make her feel like the only woman in the room, you're doing a good job'.

She is right, now just need to get out there to have some more opportunities. I would have a party at my house but, well, it is a big mess, worse than it has been in a very long time, since I moved into this one. Oh well. I just have a lot of clutter. Maybe I will take pictures or video to show, or maybe not. It is somewhat embarrassing.

Weekend is almost here. Mine will be pretty much the same as I have done this week anyway, rest, play on the computer, eat and rest some more. Probably be some basketball on tv this weekend. Duke and Carolina play on Sunday. So I will try to watch that if it is on regular tv which it was last year so I guess it will be. Last year, the game was on all 6 or so channels of espan, the pre-game was getting almost as long as the superbowl. Is this game really that big? It is as long as the media says it is.

Hiccup girl is hiccup free

Today, in 1913, Federal Income Tax became law

An ice cream man in Wales was selling beer out of his ice cream truck in front of a school.

Man arrested for trying to cash $50,000 check from "The Lord"

And since I cannot make a comment on her blog at this time:

"If you read this, Anne, don't call Nick back."


Kelli said...

AW make me smile. Thanks..

Jonathan said...

You are welcome. Just want to look out for my friends. I have been there where someone has cheated on me and the temptation is so great to go back cause of the familiarity. If they do it once, they will do it again.