Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Nonesuch # 279 Deep fried goodness

Yum yum. This may be my next experiment. I doubt I could eat even one of these but I bet it would be very good.
As seen at slog:


1 hot dog
1 slice of thick-cut bacon
1 can of spray cheese
1 can beer (It doesn't matter what kind, but we recommend something dark. Corona probably isn't a good idea)
1 cup flour
Oil for frying

This one is a little work-intensive, so be ready to buckle down. First take the center out of the hot dog with an apple corer, if you have access to one. If not, just cut out the middle with a knife. Fill the cavity with the spray cheese and use the hot dog you removed from the middle as a cap to keep the cheese in. Wrap the bacon around the hot dog and deep-fry for two to four minutes or until bacon is cooked. Dab them dry with a paper towel (so the batter will stick). Mix the beer with the flour until it reaches a thick, but lump-free consistency. Dip the dogs in the batter, coating the dog completely, and deep-fry on high heat for two to three minutes or until brown and deadly.
NOTE: Don't fry them too long or all of the cheese will explode out into the oil. That's very bad.



CrazySpanishGirl said...

Not a great hogdoglover here. But if you took pictures then you could well be part of
. I got great ideas there.

Emi said...

Sorry Jonathan...that sounds disgusting. Ew.

Kelli said...

okay...totally weird because me and a friend of mine were discussing hotdogs with bacon on them recently. I just sent her this recipe..I guarantee she will want to try it. Sounds pretty gross to me though!

Kelli said...

She just responded with "Where in the world did you find that!" then she said "you know I have to try that..right?"

Looks like I will get to at least see the bacon cheese dog.

Jonathan said...

I like it up till the part with the beer batter deep frying. Bacon just makes everything so much better. It should be a food group like sour cream and Butterfingers are.