Saturday, May 26, 2007

nonesuch #312a meme from random

The Rules:
* Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
* Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
* Players should tag eight other people and notify them that they have been tagged.
* I do not tag people so the previous rule will not apply in my case. If you want to do this, go ahead. If not, that is cool. I am not the boss of you.

8 Random facts about me:

1)I was born on Friday the 13th during a full moon while it was storming. And for those who do not know, being born on Friday the 13th makes it a good luck day for me. But, on those years that my birthday fell on a Friday, I have not had the best birthdays.

2)In high school my favorite band as Genesis. I had their records on cd, LP and cassette. I quit collecting their albums when I was a senior in college.Now, it is a tie between the Beatles, Yo La Tengo and Ben Folds as my favorite. CAB, my roommate in college, opened my eyes and ears to so much good music that I had missed when I was younger.

3)I drive a black VW Jetta

4)I once had a make out session in a recliner watching the Wizard of Oz

5)I have a small flower garden containing, miniature roses, day-lilies and irises.

6)I drink almost as much water as Random does.(see her post) But I drink other beverages as well.

7)Some people call me a packrat but I prefer the term, archivist.

8)The older I get the more I am turning into the grumpy old man at the end of the road that just wants folks to stay off my damn lawn.

Get off my damn lawn.


Vi said...

I lost my virginity in front of the TV while Mad Max was on!

Jonathan said...

Mad Max? hehe

ok, I had sex while in that recliner watching the Wizard of Oz...