Saturday, May 26, 2007

nonesuch #312 meme from csg

meme from csg

1) A thing that makes me happy
seeing my friends happy with their lives.

2) A funny thing that happened yesterday
cannot remember anything right offhand

3) A thing I like to eat
So many things do I like to eat, not sure I can pick just one. Since csg threw out the rules yesterday, I will make a list:

peanut butter
mac and cheese
fried chicken
hot dogs
ice cream
pound cake

4) A thing that bugs me a lot
lies and liars

5) A thing I have on right now
my "I hack my mac" t-shirt from ThinkGeek

6) A thing you once did that was technically dumb but actually fine
really not sure on this one. Usually the dumb things I do just stay dumb.

7) A thing you plan to do today
clean the hallway and the bathroom and I did.


CrazySpanishGirl said...

geek t-shirts rule!

If you ever come here I'll make my mom cook a great paella for you, this way you will have only one thing in your things you like to eat list. You'll love that paella!

Jonathan said...

I have had paella once or twice but I am sure not like what your Mother makes. I hope I can make a trip to Spain. I am not sure when I will get to England but I am planning for it to be sometime this year.