Monday, June 19, 2006

Nonesuch #162

Things I did not get done this weekend:

Cleaning some more of my house

Mowing my yard

Working in my garden
After the Mother's Day Storm, I was not sure if I had anything left in my garden. This morning I found 3 small rose buds getting ready to bloom. So I guess some of the plants survived. A neighbor of mine lost 200 tomato plants.

The peanut butter/hot dog experiment
Well, it just didn't happen. Had all the ingrediants ready to go and realized I was out of peanut butter. I didn't feel like going out in the heat and I am having to wait for my credit card to cycle so I can go to the grocery so it just didn't happen.
It will happen this week though. Pictures and all.

Things I did do this weekend:
Made 3.4 with my Bard on DDO. And even though that is a good thing, I dont know why I keep playing this game. I have dial-up internet access and the game just does like those of us on dial-up or as I call it diel-up. The game plays but I have so much lag(the time it takes for new stuff to get from their server to my computer) I can see why folks do not group with me more than once. I tried to be the healer yesterday in the group but I was so far behind I would get there after it was needed. I feel like I am just a straggler and taking folks XP. I have looked into roadrunnner but it has not come to the area yet. I hope it will soon.

I napped some but not really. I dont napped well in the Summer. Even with AC, it can get warm in my house. I tend to get hot when I sleep so the fans are always on me.

Talked to my Dad
I sent him an ecard for Father's Day. I am not sure if it is the one I sent him last year. He didn't say anything. We talked later last evening.

And that is about it. I really didn't do much. The TV was on most of the weekend but I do not remember much of what I saw. OH, I watched Treasure Hunters last night. It was pretty good. Started off strong, slowed down some and then the last 30-40 min was quick. One team was eliminated last night. Some of the teams should not be on there. I feel they are enterntainment value only but I guess they are needed to round out the game. I guess the network didn't want the teams to be all military and ex-cia members. I will watch next Monday night.

And that was my weekend. Exciting? Yeah, thought so.


Kelli said...

oxman..i was really excited to hear how bad that hot dog was going to be... :)

Kelli said...

I was not calling you oxman there..that was supposed to be "oh man" but if you like it OxMan can be your new nickname. :)

Jonathan said...

I have the ingredients, just need to find the time to set it all up and do it. And will let you know bad the hot dog is.
Oxman? hmm, that could be my alter-ego...:)