Saturday, June 24, 2006

Nonesuch #167

According to Anne, some of us are not updating our blogs enough, so I will now attempt to post everytime I wake up in the middle of the night. We will see how that works out.
Feeling a bit better today. Been napping, eating and playing some DDO every once in a while. My goal was to do nothing today and so far so good. I go to Durham tomorrow. I dont think it will be as hot tomorrow as it has been. It is still humid but not as hot today. It has been sunny but now clouding up again.

And now for the midsummer crappy TV update

America's Got Talent - Oh no, they don't. I hope Chuck Barris is angry as all get out with this poor man's Gong Show rehash. I feel sorry for Regis getting involved with this, but he is a big boy and knows what he is doing. Hassellhoff? Sometimes I wish he would just fade away and let the Knight Rider memories remain.

Master of Champions - Better than the above but not by much. The first episode had "drift racers" doing donuts to see how much cheese they could shred. I kid you not. Then it was unicyle stunt riders. The highlight was a 14 yr old girl that could shoot a bow and arrow with her feet. Coolest part of the show.

Big Brother All Stars - Enough said. (Sorry Anne, hehe)And why wasn't there more folks from season one involved with the All Star voting?

Treasure Hunters - I wrote about this show earlier in the week. Will do a quick recap. Nicely done but there are moments that I felt I was watching Amazing Race. Now, Race is one of the better reality shows out there so imitation of that show is not so bad. I am going to watch the next episode Monday night so will let you all know how that one measures up.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - I watched about 15 minutues of this show a few weeks back when FOX first started airing it on Sunday nights. It made me mad and here is why. It reminded me a lot of Arrested Development, the great show that will not be returning this fall. It bothers me that someone would get rid of one show only to replace it with one that is so similar and nowhere near as good.

So You Think You Can Dance - Not bad but not that good either. As with American Idol, the try outs are the best time to watch this with the really really good ones and the really really bad ones having airtime. The rest of the shows are boring and in the end, the judges and the studio audience decides who goes home, not the folks at home. They only decide who gets into the bottom 3. It is always a guy and a girl that get voted off. So not 1 but 2 get to go home each week.

Hell's Kitchen - watched every episode of this last year. This year, not into it. Gordon Ramsay's mad as hell schtick has worn off on me. And this year's crop of would be chefs just are not that interesting.

And that is it for now. Going for another nap, maybe I will eat something. Oh, the peanut butter/hot dog update. I am planning for this upcoming Tuesday night for it to go down.


Kelli said...

Wow..people listen to me?? :)

Okay Mister...Big Brother is going to be so awesome. I have watched it since season unfortunately I am not very familiar with Season 1. The last season was the best in my opinion. But if Ivette gets into that house there will be a never ending rant on my blog. I hate her. How retarded is it that I can use a word like hate in reference to a tv show? At least I recognize my lame-ness!

And the only other one that I have seen is that America's Got Talent. They had a guy blowing up balloons. Not so cool. And David Hasselhoff does need to get out of the limelight. He is wearing girly pants. And too much makeup. Knight Rider? Its just a fading memory..

Jonathan said...

I think Season 1 was so new. It also didnt have the games and challenges as much as it does now. They would sit around and get drunk and swim. I remember some girl on there that ended up having naked pictures of her at the Burning Man festival posted online. It was after the show but I remember she kept saying she was innocent and all.