Sunday, June 25, 2006

Nonesuch # 168

Awake at a little past when I usually wake up during the night. I dont really sleep but more nap. I sleep 3 hours, wake up. Stay awake awhile, go back to sleep. Not very good I know. But I think I have developed a pattern so what can I do.

**Update** 3:37am
Hour an half. Not sure why I am awake now but oh well. Time for a snack.


Kelli said...

I do this sometimes too! I dont know what it is..but if I take ambien it helps. I do like snacking in the middle of the night though.

Jonathan said...

I have been like this for a few years now. Only need about 4 or so hours of sleep or so it seems. Tried Ambien last fall, it work for 2 nights and then I was back to the same old pattern. I haven't tried Ambien CR but I might.