Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Nonesuch #163 - How did that get there?

Let's start it this way. Twice a year I have mice. Usually one or two get in the house. I catch them in traps and that is it. Happens in the Spring when it starts to get warm and we have rain and in the Fall when it starts to get cool again. Over a week ago, I saw one run by me in the kitchen. Didn't think too much on it. I knew the traps would get him. Next night, he came out and hung out near where I was for a bit and then went on about his business. I didn't worry about it, but I did change the cheese in the traps just in case. This morning, woke up at 4am. Usual time. I would love to sleep a full night for once. Anyway, I go to the bathroom, lift up the lid and swimming in my toilet is a mouse. How he got there I do not know. I am thinking that he may have swam up my pipe. god, I hope not. There is no way to know if this is the same mouse I had seen earlier. I wasn't sure what to do, so I flushed it. I didn't want to pick him up, I didn't have a fishnet available or a large enough cup to scoop him out and it was 4am. I mean, I do feel bad about having to flush him but I am not sure what else I could have done. And I hope I don't see one in there again.


Kelli said...

OMG. I wish I hadnt read that. I am so scared of mice. And I usually half stumble to the bathroom in the morning and I dont really check it out before I sit down. *sigh* But as of right now..that has changed.

Jonathan said...

I didnt mean to scare you or anyone else with my story. I just found it odd where he ended up. And I have been jumpy since this morning. A oven mit fell on my foot and I about freaked out. At least you have Rickey to scare them off. :)

Kelli said...

Hah..Rickey scare anything off? I have to admit I have raised a sissy-boy. The slightest noise and he is trying to crawl underneath me for protection.

I need a cat..but Im afraid that the cat will beat up my dog!

Jonathan said...

I had cats in the past and had no problems with mice. Had to give them up at the time. But I hope to be getting a new cat soon.