Thursday, July 13, 2006

Nonesuch #181

Update on the diet drinks...

I tried the Propel - natural Berry Flavors water fitness water today. Much better than the Lemon I had tried before. Wanted to try the Grape as suggested by Anne but couldnt find any so went with the Berry. Nicely flavored, not really overpowering and no aftertaste that you get with some of those flavored waters.

**update** diet ginger all is ok. Didnt like it at first but it grew on me.

Thought I was getting the diet cherry coke but got the "real thing" instead.

That is all for the diet soda update.

Hot out there today and humid. Chance of storms. A bit of rain would be nice to cool things off.

Went home for lunch and had a note from my phone company saying my Broadband was on outside and I was good to go. Now, just need for the router/modem package to arrive, which it is supposed today, and get that all hooked up. I am excited and anxious to see just how much quicker it is than dial up.

I recently came across this thing called T-shirt Tuesday or something like that where people post images of their T-shirts. I may start doing that. Hmm, will look into it.


Kelli said...

I was just thinking about stealing that Tshirt Tuesday thing from Kidd! I have been at cafepress all day looking at shirts and laughing my bum off! I think Im going to use this one that just has a nametag on it that says HELLO - My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father...

But then I guess it wont be so cool now that I just told you. Oh well they have lots of PB ones..and some pretty funny cancer ones too.

I sure wish we would get some rain. Its like 104 outside right now. I have zero energy when its this hot.

Jonathan said...

cafepress is a great place to spend much time looking at all the great stuff. Thinkgeek has some good ones as well, a bit more on the geeky side which works for me. Go ahead and put that PB shirt up, I wont say anything :)
We did have storms last night, not much but it cooled things off until the sun came up today. Another hot one.

Julie Brooks Barbour said...

Diet cherry coke is good-- the cherry taste takes the edge off the diet taste.

I can't believe we're old enough to be talking about diet colas. :)

Jonathan said...

It blows my mind. Like I told Anne, I dont want to increase my beerbelly anymore than it already is.
How is the packing going?