Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Nonesuch #187

First things first, I dont know why my links, song lists etc are missing from my blog. I have sent an email to blogger telling them about the problem. Yesterday it was I couldnt comment on people's blogs all morning and somehow I managed to post the same post 5 times so had to go back and delete 5 copies. Second, I didnt bring the camera with me home last night. Didnt realize it till after 11pm so the TST will happen sometime later today. Not sure on the exact time. Depends on how the day goes. Third, it is cool today but raining, well more drizzly but at least we are not roasting like we did all last week. So here is a picture of me of what I will look like in the future but really in the past. Yeah, doesnt make sense to me either.

**update** Links etc are back now that I submitted a new post. Strange...

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I totally missed this post earlier!

You look very distinguished in the future-past!