Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Nonesuch # 185 Friday Flower, Sunday Soda etc

I know it is early for this but I will be out of town on Friday and may not have a time to post this then. So here it is:

I also just realized that I will still be out of town on Sunday so I will go ahead a post my drinks of this week.

Earlier this week I tried Powerade Option Grape flavor, their low calorie sports drink. It had a nice grape flavor with little aftertaste. I will be buying it again. It is not that widely available where I live but a few stores nearby have it.

I am working on a 2 liter of diet A&W root beer. I am just not sure about it right so far. The root beer flavor is there but it somehow tastes flat even though it is carbonated just the same as the regular root beer. I will finish the 2 liter before I make a final decision. I will say it wouldnt be bad over some vanilla ice cream, reduced fat or regular.

Another hot one here AND we have a tropical storm on our coast named Beryl. I have a cousin named Beryl so it is sort of funny to me. Somehow I thought the "B" named storm this year was going to be Bud. They are not sure where the storm will go so I guess it is wait and see. Would be nice to have some rain to cool things off some but it the middle of summer. The heat has put me in a don't want to do much mode. Plus, I have a theory about summer time. A good number of people around my age at least went to school k-12 or 13 years plus 4 more of college and perhaps 2 more of grad school or 5 years of undergraduate so around 20 or years of school. With each school year, there came summer break, vacation time. Our minds and bodies are accustomed to this break each year and now that that break does not come, we tend to not be so productive during this time of year. I know I get like this and I look at my calendar and there is not much left until classes start again. Actually 4 weeks till then. Oh well. I always plan what I am going to do over summer, cleaning, trip or two. Didnt even do that this year. I never did them in the past, no point in starting now.
I had mentioned doing a theme post every day. I dont think that will happen even if I could find something specific to post about each day. Even with T-shirt Tuesday I left a rambling post. I did find some of my t-shirts last night so I will have a few weeks worth of posts for those days. We shall see.
Stay cool, do what I do, I have a cup of ice in front of a fan on my desk. Instant AC. But what I really want is this: Desktop Personal Air Conditioner


~ Amanda X&O said...

I know that you're experimenting with new drinks, have you tried Fiji water? It's a tad expensive, but it really does taste better than regular water. Very clean, no charcoal taste or bottle taste or anything. Give it a try, you'll be hooked.

Julie Brooks Barbour said...

Nice sunflower picture!

Jonathan said...

amanda - Will look for it. Never heard of it before. I am getting thristy now.

julie - thanks. I didnt even know I had one planted. It started blooming last week and was in full bloom over the weekend. It is not very tall as far as sunflowers go.

Laura said...

I like Diet Mug rootbeer. It's pretty tasty, but it's best in plastic bottles and ice cold. Also good for rootbeer floats.

Of all the waters, Volvic is my favorite. Also a little hard to find. I started drinking it in Europe several years ago.